golf ball sized cyst appeared at the base of Couloir's tail near
the beginning of 2004. She then started loosing
weight and started picking up more alignments. I had just
brought her to the Vet on Monday the 24th. He gave her a steroid
shot that knocked her out. When she came home she stayed under a
tree in the garden until nightfall. She slept most all of the
next day then suffered a seizure
that Tuesday night. She was then spaced out all day Wednesday.

I made the decision Thursday
morning, when it appeared Couloir was going in and out of consciousness,
to go to the Vet to have her put to sleep. I made an appointment
for 10:30.
She went on her own timetable
with a few last gasps, she died at home at 9:45 a.m.
It was good it was over.
She was suffering the last few weeks. |
found a site on the Internet on how to bury a cat and found a good place in the garden.
Our friend Ray came down from work and helped dig a three foot
deep hole.
I got my power tools out and made a plywood casket
using her exact measurements.

I wrapped Couloir in her favorite
blanket with a few of her toys and tags.
I also laid a few sprigs of
Lavender with her.

Ray & I gave the last blessings and
I gathered the most
beautiful roses
from each of our roses bushes

and laid them across her casket.

Rest in Peace
Art, Jennifer and Oranya
